Source code is available to download for many of my programs, if the source is not available Email Me and I may send it to you.

Delphi software key system

My software key system is a fully functional system for producing shareware software.


  • Protects application from being modified
  • Easy integration with any Borland Delphi program
  • Much cheaper than other libraries (price is negotiated per user)
  • Web based key generator for Windows and Linux servers
  • PHP based Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) integeration
  • Unique key is generated for each user
  • Uses MD5 encryption at up to 1024 bit level
To purchase or view a demo Email Me
This system is used in Sudoku and Startup Manager

PHP and MySQL Mailing List system

see PHP Freaks for details

HTTP 404 error handler

see PHP Freaks for details


Pascal port of the LZMA SDK from
Compatilbe with Borland Delphi, Borland Kylix, Free Pascal and the Lazarus IDE. Download
For news of new releases of the SDK please subscribe to my mailing list.